Two good output panels, one marginal and one very low indeed - probably faulty. Shelve that one for later fettling.
Well, I'd had the panels on the bench in the garage and at night, and the illumination was coming from a pair of fluorescent lights. Two panels measured 11 or so volts, one was registering about 9v and the 'faulty' panel was barely pushing a volt.
When I dragged the bad one outside into the sunshine today, output shot up to about 19v-21v off-load. Perhaps it's just not responding too well in low light levels. That said, the four panels I have would be of varying ages and amounts of use, so the measured values could be very different. A volt seemed a bit low when the other three were pushing out 9-11v in similar lighting levels. Ho hum.
Parallelled up, driving the charge controller, they'll be fine. All bought and paid for, over the years, so even if I do replace them later on down the line, they don't owe me anything. If I can screw 30Wp out of the four, I'll be happy enough.
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