Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Insulated and airtight

Today I picked up some foil-backed PIR board - Recticel Eurothane GP (which is pretty much the same as Kingspan or Celotex) - from Jewsons and stuffed and mounted it on the inner wall of the office.

Some Visqueen Gas sealing tape to seal the joins between the sections and a handful of screws to attach the insulation to the frame - job done!

I could just leave it as is...it's functional enough, but I want an inner cladding not only for strength but for a nice cosmetic finish. So now the frame is covered, it looks even more like a proper shed.

The insulation only took me a few hours, so the rest of my time was spent today getting rid of rubbish, sweeping the floor (it's got a lot of sawdust and trampled mud all over it), and generally sorting out tools and clearing up.

Come teatime, not only did we have a fabulous sunset in the West, but a red sky and rainbow in the East.

Sunset over the Cloud Forest - taken standing on an IBC to the back of the Storage Shed.

The view looking in the other direction, towards the East.

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